Proposal for an occupational health and safety management system in a company for construction in the state of tlaxcala, mexico

Nazario Macias Roman., Crisanto Tenopala Hernández., Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Lozada., Gerardo Islas Téllez and Jorge Luis Castañeda Gutiérrez

This article shows the proposal for an Occupational Health and Safety Management System in a company in the construction sector Tlaxcala, Mexico. Which objective was offering the company a system that effectively manages the occupational risks that affect employees, the system was structured according to the ISO-45001-2018 standard in all with the PROY-NMX-SAST-310010 standard. -IMNC-2017, finally, the implementation and measurement of the system in the construction company for risk control was proposed.

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