Background : Tooth morphology and features of individual tooth forms the basis for dentistry and its subjects. Tooth morphology covers topics such as tooth surfaces, identification of each individual tooth using their characteristic features. As known permanent teeth are 32 in number and each tooth has its characteristic features which are essential for tooth identification, inculcating the knowledge regarding these characteristics will assist dental students and help them in achieving a good practice.
Aim : To test the knowledge and proficiency about permanent tooth and its morphology among dental students.
Objective : Dental Anatomy is one of the major subjects for under graduate dental students and forms the foundation to their knowledge. A test was conducted for the dental students to test their knowledge about permanent tooth morphology.
Methodology: This was a survey based study, done using an online forum, SurveyPlanet. The survey was circulated amongst undergraduate students in various years of study, in two colleges in Chennai and one in Dubai and 92 responses were collected. From the obtained responses, the results were tallied and evaluated.
Results:From the survey conducted it was noticed that most students were confused on the landmarks of teeth and it's surfaces and it was also noticed that the students were also not clear with a few other other concepts in accordance with tooth morphology.
Conclusions: On an average nearly 40% of the students who had taken part in the survey were unable to identify the tooth of basis of questions pertaining to their chronology and morphology. This has to be avoided as tooth morphology lays the foundation towards a proficient dentist who is a confident practitioner.