Professionalism women in public service in immigration class ii bukittinggi

Agussalim M

This research is motivated by the involvement of women in public life as a public service that provides services to people who are required to work professionally in a manner that reflected the everyday in the organization, particularly at the immigration office class II Bukittinggi. The goal is to find out how the professionalism of women in public service and know the obstacles faced by women in the public service as well as the efforts made to overcome these obstacles. The research method is a method of qualitative deskiptif present data, analyze and interpret, which is comparative and correlative, relating to the object of research as well as trying to explain and describe the variables in depth and detail with the objectives that have been formulated. Data from the questionnaires were analyzed through frequency distribution table and analyzed according to the respondents, in this case the number of respondents 45 people from the community and interviews with seven people from the immigration office employee class II Bukittinggi. The research concludes that the professionalism of female employees at the Immigration Office Class II Bukittinggi can be said to be excellent with a contribution of 84.4%, of the respondents who stated that the readiness of employees in the implementation of the service that is disciplined in starting and completing the service, capable of doing the job which it is responsible, the attitude of employees in providing services to the public. Where employees work to understand and implement well the role, duties and responsibilities in matters regarding immigration, but in reality there were limited both from internal factors and external factors. Therefore, efforts to overcome these obstacles in order to improve the performance of women is concerned thus, it will also affect the improvement of services at the Immigration office class II Bukittinggi.

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