Objective: To find out prevalence of balance impairment in hearing loss children.
Backgound: Hearing loss is also known as hearing impairment is a partial or total inability to hear. Hearing impairment in childhood is a common chronic condition that may have an impact on acquisition of speech, social and physical development. Moreover, it is estimated that about 440 million children world wilde have hearing loss above 85 decibels, and this is increase to about 800 million when the threshold is reduced to 50 Db. Motor development is a common sensori-motor impairment in profoundly deaf children.
Methodology: 50 sample were taken by convenient sampling. Consent form and detail information about the study was taken in form of sign language through their attender,. Each subject administred with PBBS, which performed twicely for better performance.
Result and Conculsion: Data was collected and analysed. Pie diagram used, where there is high prevalence of balance impaired in hearing loss children.