Background: Wilm's tumour is a cancer of the kidneys that typically occurs in children younger than fifteen year of age and rarely in adults. With an early diagnosis and proper management of wilm's tumour by Multi-modal approach excellent outcome can be obtained. This study was designed to reflect the clinical presentations and focus on different management modalities with an outcome of Wilm's tumour in Sudan.
Patients and methods: This descriptive, retro-prospective analytic study included all patients of wilm's tumour at Soba University Hospital, Gezira national paediatric surgery centre and Khartoum teaching Hospital from January 2014 to January 2016.
Results: Thirty patients (pts) were included. Females were predominant in a ratio of 3: 1 to males. The mean age was 3.0 – 5.9 years. Those who came from central and western of Sudan were more affected. Most patients presented with abdominal mass 28 pts (93.3%), followed by abdominal distension in 16 pts (53.3%), while the less frequent presentation was haematuria seen only in 2 pts (6.7%). The multimodal approach: surgery and chemotherapy used in 21 pts (70%) and single modality was used in nine patients: Surgery alone in 6 pts (20%), or chemotherapy alone in 3 pts (10%). The patients discharged uneventfully 23pts (76%). Morbidity was seen in two patients. Deaths were occurred in five patients in the study (16.7%).
Conclusion: The finding of this study reflected that Wilm's tumour has an excellent out come when children managed by multimodal approach.