Introduction and background: Pregnancy is a unique, exciting and often joyous time in a woman's life, as it highlights the woman's amazing creative and nurturing powers while providing a bridge to the future. Pregnancy comes with some cost, however, for a pregnant woman needs also to be a responsible woman so as to best support the health of her future child. The birth of each baby is a unique experience, at a unique time of one’s life. Childbirth is a normal life event, yet women are exposed to significant amount of stress. This study was conducted to assess the pregnancy related stress in women with spontaneous pregnancy and invitro fertilization or embryo transfer pregnancy1. Methodology: The research approach used was quantitative approach. Comparative research design was used. The study was conducted in Morpheus Usha fertility centre, Anand. 10 antenatal women were conveniently selected SP pregnancy (5) and IVF/ET pregnancy group (5). The tool of data collection included a baseline data questionnaire, pregnancy related anxiety questionnaire – Revised (PRAQ-R). Results: The data was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The study result showed that stress level among woman is different in SP pregnancy group after 08th and 12th week. The Mean stress level after 08th week is 1.88. While after 12th week it reduces and reachesup to 1.56. InIVF/ET pregnancy group after 8th week the main stress level is 2.52 while after 12 week it increase and reach to 3.14. Both the stress level is lower compare toIVF/ET pregnancy group. In IVF/ET pregnancy group it increases after 08th week while inSP pregnancy group is reduce up to some level. Conclusion: Hence, the study concluded thatthere is a higher amount of stress experienced by IVF/ET pregnancy group. There is significant increase pregnancy related stress among in vitro fertilization women then spontaneous pregnant women.