Aims and Objectives:
• To study the incidence and pattern of drug-drug interactions
• To identify and minimise preventable drug-drug interactions as far as possible.
• To minimize health care cost burden on patients and health care system.
• To improve the patients quality of life
• To improve the rationality of drug therapy
• To decrease the hospitalization of patients
Methodology: An observational and interventional study was conducted for a period of 6 months in the various departments of VishwaBharathi super specialty hospital, Kurnool. A total of 60 patients/ prescriptions were included in this study. A total of 102 DDIS were identified from 27 prescriptions.
Results: Our study concluded that a high percentage of 54(52.94%) DDIs were found in patients of age group >60 years and whereas distribution of drug-drug interactions based on severity showed many major drug-drug interactions (59.80%). Further the study concluded that a high number of DDIs were found in cardiology department (32 DDIS) followed by General Medicinedepartment (28 DDIs).
Conclusion: Hence, monitoring of prescriptions with polypharmacy is highly necessary in order to reduce the occurrence of DDI’s and other drug related problems. In this aspect, Clinical pharmacist play an important role in healthcare system by assisting the physicians in dosage and duration adjustments, in discontinuation of unnecessary and inappropriate medications, in establishing a balance between risks and benefits of multiple drug therapies, thereby preventing the occurrence of DDIs, and thus improving the rationality of drug therapy, patients quality of life, decreasing the hospitalization of patients and health care cost burden to the patient and society.