Tannery industry is one of the large scale industries which generate a lot of wastewater per day. Tannery effluents contain a lot of hazardous substances which can affect the aquatic and terrestrial environment when it is directly discharged in water bodies. Coagulation-flocculation is a suitable process for the treatment of tannery effluents whereas the chemical coagulants used for treatment causes more harmful effects to human beings. Hence, a novel approach of using plant seed materials, as natural coagulant for the treatment of tannery effluent because of the cost-effective and eco-friendly nature. In the present study three plant seed materials, namely, Moringa olifera, Strychnos potatorum Sappindus emarginatus and Strychnos potatorum was used, as natural coagulant, at different concentrations namely 0.05, 0.10, 0.15 and 0.20 g/ml concentrations were tested for the efficient removal on colour, odour and turbidity from tannery effluent. Interestingly, there was a maximum removal of colour, odour and turbidity observed by using Strychnos potatorum plant seed materials at 0.1 g/ml concentration compare to other plant seed materials. However, the effect was more pronounce at a pH level of 7 compare to other pH level. It is concluded that the plant seed materials Strychnos potatorum can be used as a natural coagulant at a dosage of 0.1 g/ml and pH level of 7 for the efficient removal of colour, odour and turbidity from the tannery effluent.