Sugar quality is related to its composition in certain parameters such as bacteriology, colouring, the granulometrie, the aspect, the ash. Several types of sugar resulting from various sources exist. However, a new sugar find by research which improve the population health is vital. It is within framework that the physicochemical characteristics of sugars extracted from immature coconut water was determined. Another, this study has never been does in Côte d'Ivoire. Thus, pH, acidity, ashes, dry matter, relative density, °Brix, the total and reducing sugars, the proteins and lipids of these sugars were evaluated in this study. Through a descriptive test, sensory analysis was also performed. The results confirmed the poverty in proteins (≤ 1 g / 100 g) and in lipids (1 to 3 g / 100 g) of coconut water sugar. Syrups have similar pHs among the 5 varieties (4. 94 to 5.02). It is the same for white sugars (pH 5.13 to 5.32) unlike with brown sugars (pH 4.05 at 4.92). High ash levels (3 to 7 %) for all sugars, are higher in WAT, MYD and PB121 varieties. In addition, the sugars of the WAT, MYD and EGD varieties contain more Brix (74.02 to 87.56%) than the two hybrids PB121and PB113 (69 to 74.22). The contents in total sugars (21.44 to 32.07 g / 100 g DM) and reducing agents (9.87 to 19.03 g / 100 g DM) are significantly different (p ˂ 0.05) among the 5 varieties studied. The highest sugar levels are provided by the dwarf varieties (MYD and EGD). Regarding the sensory profile, all sugars have obtained marks above 5 for overall satisfaction provided the jury. The sugars of EGD and MYD were the most appreciated. 78% of the panelists think that coconut water sugar can substitute ordinary sugar (sucrose) in the preparations and 91% of them are ready to buy in case of sale. This is due to the fact that 95% find these sugars pleasant to eat with a characteristic smell of caramel and copra.