We report the outcomes of 100 percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) procedures performed in our institution between august 2015 and december 2016. The PCNL procedures were performed under general anaesthesia. The ureteral catheter was installed in the supine position during cystoscopy under C-arm fluoroscopy guidance and, after turning the patient into the prone position, the kidney with stone was entered with a two part metal needle under flouoroscopy. The Amplatz renal dilator set was used. Stones were fragmented with pneumatic lithotripter. After retrieval of stone fragments the nephrostomy tube was placed in the nephroscope sheath. After completion of PCNL procedures, residual asymptomatic stones of 4 mm or less in size were considered clinically insignificant. Of the total number of patients, 89(89%) achieved stone clearance. Bleeding requiring transfusion occurred in 16 cases (16%), of which 1(1%) was treated with embolisation angiography. A double-J stent was inserted in 92 patients (92%).No pneumothorax or colon perforation was reported. In angiography, the bleeding site identified to be pseudoaneurysm and selective angioembolisation was performed.