Pavement Defect Assessment (PDA) is an important phenomenon in Pavement Management System (PMS). Generally, the pavement distresses can be investigated by either manual techniques or automated systems. In this present study, the surface images of asphalt pavements were acquired from the four cameras mounted on Hawkeye Network Survey Vehicle (NSV). The samples of surface images were taken for every 10m of stretch. The current research was aimed to assess the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) of Asphalt Surfaced National Highway-752 (NH-752) as per ASTM-D6433. A total of 2km stretch was considered for evaluating the pavement defects and ultimately PCI. Initially, the images were captured by 3 front cameras and 1 rear camera. Later, the defects were detected and quantified by the Hawkeye Processing Toolkit which is integrated to NSV. Finally, the value of PCI is estimated and subjectively the rating is given as per the ASTM-D6433. In overall, the asphalt surfaced NH-44 subjected to a greater amount of distresses with a low PCI of 66.2%.The presence of variation in PCI at different samples units, it can be recommended to adopt different and suitable Maintenance and Repair choices at particular location of distressed areas.