Pain is common problem in elders. Elder age group who are above 60 years, 85% of them experiencing moderate to severe pain and 28% of them experiencing continues pain. Non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are most commonly prescribed drugs in management of pain and inflammation in management of musculoskeletal disorders especially in elders. We conducted cross sectional study in rural health care setting and collected data from the patients who are purchasing OTC NSAIDs, and then we collected demographics of patient, medical and medication history and social history and assessed pain severity using visual analogue scale. We found both males and females are equally using OTC NSAIDs, patients with age of 65-75 and with risk factors like hypertension; smoking and alcohol are mainly using OTC NSAIDs. Most of them are using oral NSAIDs more than one year for moderate to severe knee pain. Proper screening, treatment and monitoring approaches are needed in rural health care setting where chances of misuse of Over the Counter drugs are more.