A seemingly stealthy pandemic of epic proportions, causing untold misery and suffering for millions, thrives amidst a culture of politics, greed, corruption, incompetence and arrogance. Endemic in many parts of the world Lyme disease and its associated co-infections doesn’t even exist in the minds of some in the medical community, can’t be easily diagnosed, treatment regimens are often confusing and not evidence based. When treatment is attempted it is often inadequate or substandard leaving many with chronic persistent infections. While not fitting a vaccine model, paradoxically the quest for finding a vaccine seems to have superseded all other priorities. The evidence of neuroborreliosis being causative in Alzheimer’s disease has been sidelined presumably because that information is financially threatening to some controlling faction of our civilization. To complicate matters further there are many pathogenic Borrelia, some that may even rival Borrelia burgdorferi in causing illness, and almost nothing is being done to significantly advance either our ability to diagnose and treat this group of infections that are as problematic as they are pernicious.