Chronic kidney disease is defined as the presence of injury in kidney and impairment in kidney function. The definition of CKD (Chronic kidney disease) can also be defined in terms of GFR i.e. decreased GFR due to pathological conditions or abnormalities in blood as urine for more than 3 months can cause kidney damage or reduction of GFR by more than half of normal value that is 125/ml/min/1.73m2 . Prevalence for CKD stages 1 is 1.8%, for stage 2 is 3.2% for stage 3 it is 7.7% and it is 0.35% for stage 4 and 5. The causes for CKD are various factors like Susceptibility factors, Initiation factors, progression factors. Assessment of different stages of CKD can be done through physical examinations, fundoscopy, measuring GFR, albumin measurement, urine analysis. Treatment through medication therapy including diuretics and their mechanism, phosphate binders, sodium bicarbonate, anti-hypertensive and vitamin D, dialysis, kidney transplantation. Preventive measures includes changing lifestyle habit and nutritional management. Further advancements can be done to overcome the issues.