Introduction: Noninvasive ventilation (NIV), as a weaning-facilitating strategy in predominantly chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients who are on mechanical ventilation is associated with reduction of the reintubation rate, length of intensive care unit (ICU) and hospital stay. However, this benefit remains to be elucidated in our country that is why the study was established. The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of NIV applied immediately after extubation in contrast to oxygen devices or NIV>48 hours in COPD patients. Methods: A quantitative retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted in the NGHA hospital in Riyadh. It was carried out in a 6-month period. Included patients were COPD patients require mechanical ventilation with at least 48 hours. Patients were divided into two groups after extubation (immediate NIV or oxygen devices / NIV>48 hours). We compared both groups regarding PaCO2 and RR after extubation (2-4 hours), reintubation rate, shifting out from ICU. Result: Thirty patients fulfilled the inclusion criteria and were divided into the two groups. Fifteen patients received NIV immediately after extubation and fifteen patients received oxygen devices/NIV>48 hours after extubation. The reintubation rate was different in each group. None of the patients who received immediate NIV after extubation was reintubated (0%), whereas nine patients who received oxygen devices or NIV>48 hours after extubation were reintubated (60%). ICU length of stay was different in each group. Thirteen patients of immediate NIV group were shifted from ICU (86.7%) whereas only six patients of oxygen devices or NIV>48 hours group were shifted from ICU (40%). Conclusions: In this study, COPD patients who received NIV immediately after extubation with more than 48 hours reduce the reintubation rate and length of ICU stay when compared with the oxygen devices/ NIV>48 hours group.