Introduction: Malaria and pregnancy usually affect the course of each other adversely. The physiological changes of pregnancy and pathological changes due to malaria have a deleterious effect on the course of each other. Material and methods: This retrospective study was carried out from April to September 2016 at TMMC & RC Moradabad which serves as a tertiary level hospital for the local population and referral hospital for the adjoining districts. Women with malaria and pregnancy were included in the study. Results: Fifty pregnant patients with diagnosis of malaria were included in the study. 49 patients had plasmodium vivax infection and only 1 patient had plasmodium falciparum infection. Malarial infestation was more common in primigravida.17 patients had typhoid along with malaria which added to complication. Discussion: Maternal, placental or fetal malaria infection during pregnancy adversely affects development and survival of fetus.Malaria can cause low birth weight, maternal anemia, abortion and stillbirth due to placental production of chemokineswhich is an important trigger for monocyte accumulation in placenta. Conclusion: Maternal malaria adversely affects the pregnancy outcome. It increases the risk of spontaneous abortion, stillbirths, premature delivery and low birth weight. All patients with fever in pregnancy must have screening for malarial parasite.