Oral cavity Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) is common. Whilstthe oral cavity is easily accessible for examination, and althoughtumors of this site cause symptoms at a relatively early stage, a large majority of patients continue to present with late stage disease. Despite readily and widely available treatment,oral cancer carries an overall disease specificrelative mortality of 49% [1]. In 2007 the World Health Assembly passed a resolution on oral health, urging all member states to “take steps to ensure that prevention of oral cancer is an integral part of national cancer control programs, and to involve oral health professionals or primary health care personnel with relevant training in oral health in detection, early diagnosis and treatment [2].” Despite the multitude of tools marketed to aid in the early diagnosis of oral cancer, there is no general population based screening method shown to reduce mortality associated with oral cancer [3]. Dentists examine their patient’s oral cavity during almost every consultation and are in a unique position to both promote primary preventative measures to high risk groups, and aid in early diagnosis and referral of suspicious oral lesions.