People with cancer often need to follow some diets which are different from healthy diet plans of normal individuals. There are different types of cancers, which affect various parts of the body. For most people undergoing chemotherapy, a healthy diet includes: protein, fibre and antioxidant rich foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grain. Foods to be completely avoided are fat, sugar, alcohol and salt. The proper nutrition is taken in order to overcome the side effects of the chemotherapy. Some foods may stop the metastasis of the cancer cells also. The quantity of food we take, the quality time exercise we do determine how effective our chemotherapy treatment would be. If you have trouble chewing and swallowing, you may need to add sauces and gravies. Sometimes, you may need to eat low-fibre foods instead of those with high fibre. Here are some of the nutritional supplements, misconceptions about them and some contraindicated foods during cancer chemotherapy.