Nature has a potentiality to manage all leaving beings across the globe. Near about 1.5 million species of plants, animal, fungi, algae, lichen are identified and documented on Earth and increasing day by day and there are currently about 75 billion tons of living things (bio mass) on earth (as per science line / ucsb data). As estimated about 8.7 million species (6.5 million are on land & 2.2 million in oceans) are present in earth, among which 1.3 million species are involve in give or take processes.
Triglyceride encourages the function of providing energy, whereas cholesterol is needed by the human body for hormone synthesis and cellular structure which is a part of lipids is the major form of fatty acid combine with a molecule of alcohol and glycerol. It serves as the backbone of many types of lipids comes from the food we eat as well as form in the body digestion processes. In deficiency of this, several diseases are occurring in our body such as Hyperthyroidism refers to an overactive thyroid. The thyroid gland overproduces hormones, leading to sudden weight loss, increase in appetite, sweating, menstrual changes, fatigue, and sleeping problems. Apart from this low triglyceride in human body also caused due to malnutrition and results in cancer, memory loss, depression, inability to eat, and trauma. Deplete of fat, leading to low triglycerides which is caused due to use of certain kind of medicines and drugs and its side effects after use. Research finding of low triglycerides can be associated with its own range of adverse effects resulting in various health complications. Recent studies have found that, low triglyceride levels causes with old age and a high class of NYHA heart failure, decrease in resistance power & immunity to COVID - 19 in our body and also creates cardiac problem and even stroke. This emphasizes that importance of having an overall balance within the body, as high triglycerides have been known for leading the development of fatal cardiac and stroke issues as well. Low levels of triglycerides also impact other processes in the body such as the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. These vitamins are involved in everything from the recycling of calcium to the production of beneficial blood clots.
Omega-3 fatty acids are one type of essential lipid found in fatty fish, such as tuna, salmon and halibut. Omega – 3 fatty acids such as Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), Docosapentaenoic acid (DPA) and Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) precursors of certain eicosanoids that are known to reduce inflammation in the body and improve hypertriglyverdemia. In plants it is found as Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA), horticulture such as chia seeds, brussels sprouts, algal oil, hemp seed, walnuts, flax seeds, perilla oil, kidney beans, soyabean oil, seaweed, tender soya bean, fruits, olive leaf, Kale, broccoli, navy beans, winter squash, Egg yolk, wheat germs, pumpkin seeds, Red lettuce, spinach etc.
These lipids are essential to maintaining proper brain function and may reduce inflammation in our body. Meeting our needs for essential fatty acids may also help reduce our risk of developing heart diseases, cancer and arthritis (Source University of Maryland Medical Centre). Again by using the essential lipids both derived from fishes & horticultural/agricultural plants will results in resistant to pandemic diseases like COVID – 19 cause by CORONA virus, aquatic air borne viruses & viruses transmitted through various vectors.
It is better to use agriculturally found Triglycerides (ALA) with natural vegetable base insulin’s and fish base EPA, DPA & DHA derived Omega natural food supplements to protect our self from diseases like CORONA virus chain, Mental disorders, eye related night blindness, Overweight, skin diseases, MMR & life to child in pregnant women, children related deficiency cause low attention and hyperactivity, liver fat, depression, mental decline, asthma & allergy, bone growth related diseases, mal nutrition due to deficiency of added vitamins like A, D, E, K & B vitamin chain. Regular consumption of 0.2 – 0.5 gm omega extract rich fruits & vegetables, egg, processed meat, fish, milk derived from both animal & botanical sources and agronomical crop produce such as wheat, rice (black rice) & other cereals processed food can give us better health for bright future of our family as well as nation. The effectiveness of the natural triglycerides will depend on avoid of alcohols such as liquors and other related toxic rich commodity.