In today’s world where technology is rapidly advancing with increasing population to fulfil basic human needs, the need of safety is increasing too. While we talk about safety the most dangerous situations encountered are accidents. Accidents occur often, but majority of them happen due to vehicular transportation. Many cases such as drink and drive, break failure, engine cease, obstacles encounter cause accidents. So there is a need for a multipurpose device/application which will help in detecting majority and most important factors among these causes. By combining various sensors with the internet making a host through programming, and making it available on smartphones through an application we can achieve a better lookout for avoiding these accidents. The idea of this project is to reduce such unstoppable accidents by using a common device which not only helps to detect the danger beforehand but also helps in knowing the safety measures. Be it a hilly area where rocks keep falling or a fallen tree, or a drunk driver, be it the abnormal heating of the engine, this project targets the basic common problems and provides a single solution for the same. The idea of this project is to detect such problems and provide the necessary safety measures.