The Mucocele or Mucus retention phenomenon is a salivary gland lesion of traumatic origin. It is formed when the main duct of a minor salivary gland is torn with subsequent extravasation of the mucus into the fibrous connective tissue followed by blockage of opening of duct thereby leading to formation of soft cystic lesion. The walls of this lesion are formed by compressed bundles of collagen fibrils and the cavity is filled with mucin. Mucoceles are known to occur in varying locations on the oral mucosal surfaces overlying accessory minor salivary glands. However they occur more frequently in certain locations. The lower lip is reported to be most commonly affected followed by the tongue. Mucoceles of the lingual glands are rare and are hardly reported to occur more so in the pediatric age group.
Here in we present and bring to light the diagnosis and treatment of the mucocele on the ventral surface of tongue in a 13 year old female who reported to the department of oral and maxillofacial surgery at Chandra dental college & hospital, Barabanki (U.P), India.