Ayurveda is the science of life. It having two main objectives firstly to prevent the diseases andthe second one is cure the diseases. To achieve its first motive, prevention of any disease first of all we should have the knowledge of causative factors of that particular disease. In the present era due to unhealthy life style with poor eating and sleeping habits along with smoking and alcohol consumption all of these factors enhancing life style related disorders in day to day life. Musculoskeletal disorders is such a lifestyle related disease which hampers a person’s daily life routine and it decreases working capacity. In Ayurveda MSDs can be co-related to the diseases under Vatavyadhi e.g. rheumatoid arthritis (Aamvata), osteoarthritis (Sandhigatvat), gout (Vatarakta), frozen shoulder (Avbahuk/Urustambh)etc. Nidan for Vatvyadhias per mentioned in Ayurvedaare mainly Aaharja and Viharja in origin like Sheet, Ruksh, Vishamashan, Adhyashan, Virudhaahar (poor eating habits), Alpaahar/Upvasa (poor nutrition), Ativyayam (high task repetition/poor rest), Atidhavan, Vcheshta (poor work practice), Prajagran (poor sleeping habits), Visham Upchara (poor healthy habits), Dukhshayaya (sustained awkward postures), Abhighat (forceful exertion) etc. By these factors Vata Dosha get vitiated and produce disease in different parts of body. Today’s altered lifestyle is increasing, the exposure to all these predisposing factors and thus increasing the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders. Hence the knowledge of these risk factors is quite important for prevention and to halt further progression of the manifested disease.