Tiny microbial entities had been influenced the world hugely, complex evolutions followed by prokaryotic cell to eukaryotic cell origin. Hitherto, Plague epidemic to the largest death toll from any known non-viral epidemic. Its killed millions people around the world; China lost around half of its population, from around 123 million to around 65 million; Europe around 1⁄3 of its population, from about 75 million to about 50 million; and Africa approximately 1⁄8 of its population, from around 80 million to 70 million. In India, plague killed thousands Indians during the British era. Literally microbes had have played an important role on our planet and perhaps cosmos too. Microbe importance can be understood by their role in biogeochemical cycles (nitrogen fixation, carbon cycle, phosphate cycle etc); however, these hidden entities had been responsible for mass mortality among the human and animals. Despite their virulence nature, there is a vigor account of beneficial microbes, that’s employed for various human welfare aspects i.e. food, treatment, prevention (vaccination), cosmetic, therapies etc. In this article we tried to highlights their some cons and pros. It is interesting to distinguishing harmful vs beneficial microbes, as they share both negative and positive impact in human lives. Therefore, it’s upon our intellect how we interact with them and how we manipulated them. Recent research such as their specific behaviour, communication (Quorum sensing) etc. makes them friendly companion.