Cultured low fat synbiotic buttermilk samples were prepared with probiotics such as L.acidophilus and B.bifidum and prebiotic substances like oligofructose and honey. The experimental samples were divided into six treatments from T1 to T6. All the samples prepared were subjected to microbiological analysis for standard plate count (SPC), lactic acid bacterial count, Lactobacillus acidophilus count, Bifidobacterium bifidum count, coliform count and yeast and mould count. The control and experimental samples showed no significant difference in coliform count, yeast and mould count but showed significant difference in standard plate count. The mean lactic acid bacterial (LAB) count in the control was 12.44 log10 cfu/ml while for treatments T1 to T6, the values were 12.42, 12.39, 12.35, 12.40, 12.34 and 12.44, respectively and differences between control and treatments were not statistically significant. L. acidophilus counts of (log10 cfu/ml) in cultured low fat synbiotic buttermilk (T1, T3, T5 and T6) were 8.43, 8.43, 8.39 and 8.29, respectively and the values were within the therapeutic minimum (106/ml) requirement on 0 day storage at refrigeration temperature. The counts (log10 cfu/ml) of B.bifidum in control and cultured low fat synbiotic buttermilk samples were 8.51, 8.51, 8.46 and 8.41 for T2, T4, T5 and T6, respectively and showed no significant difference. The costs of the experimental samples were priced higher due to the additional cost of probiotic and prebiotic substances.