The main growth and development of brain in children occurs before the age of 5 yrs. About 80% of brain development occurs at 2 yrs. Before the age of five, deficiency of different nutrients in diet may lead to malnutrition which result in many diseases i.e anemia, rickets, marasmus, and other nutritional deficiency disorders. Malnourished children are also immunodeficient and are vulnerable to many infectious diseases.
There are different nutrients which are involved in decrease body function but some are most important whose deficiency can cause irreversible damage from first to yrs to adolescent i.e Proteins, Iodine and Iron.
Recent reports revealed that Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and Omega 3 are also the essential nutrients for neuronal development, maturity and proper functioning of cerebral cortex and hippocampus. So children who are deficient in these nutrients face difficulty to understand things which normal children of their age pick easily, thus the kids show poor IQ level.