Several studies have reported use of performance enhancing drugs by sports persons worldwide. However, a little is known about the awareness, knowledge and utilization of the banned narcotic drugs among elite athletes in India especially in Maharashtra state. Therefore, the objective of this study was to assess the knowledge of narcotic drugs (i.e., performance enhancing drugs) and their utilization in elite athletes of Maharashtra state.
A descriptive cross-sectional survey design has been employed, where a standard questionnaire on “knowledge about narcotic drugs” was administered on a large number of track and field athletes (n=210), aged 18-26 years, who represented athletic competitions at state / national / inter-university levels.
The results indicate that more than 50% of the track and field athletes are unaware about ill effects of narcotic drugs on health, and consuming them for enhancement of athletic performance, whereas rest of the athletes had proper knowledge on narcotics but knowingly consuming these drugs.
Thus, majority of the athletes in Maharashtra are abusing drugs and it is alarming to control such addiction. Although the results are based on the respondents’ honest responses to the questions asked for, still the responses may be susceptible to respondents’ bias. Therefore, future studies should consider using biochemical and physiological testing about the usages of narcotics.