Background: Mortality statistics form an integral part of the vital statistics system. The cause specific mortality rates are key indicators of the health trends in the population. The data on cause of death contained in the certificate helps in assessing the effectiveness of public health programs and provide a feed-back for future policy and implementation. Objectives: To assess knowledge on Medical Certification of Cause of Death (MCCD) among medical post graduates. Methods: A Cross sectional study was done among 1st year medical post graduates in a private medical college during the month of July, 2017. Data was collected using pre designed and semi structured questionnaire. Results: Out of 50 postgraduates, it was observed that 32 (64%) members knowledge regarding the Medical Certification of Cause of Death was found to be <50%. Conclusion: There is a need to conduct active training sessions for Post Graduates to improve their knowledge regarding Medical Certification of Cause of Death.