Aim: Quackery is harming the public confidence in dentistry and also causing degeneration in professional ethics and Quacks is an untrained person who has learnt dentistry either by assisting a dental surgeon or inherited it from his family and later on adopted it as a profession. The aim of this study is to evaluate the knowledge and awareness of patient about quacks and street dentistry.
Material & Methods: A descriptive questionnaire cross-sectional study was performed at satellite centre of private dental college in Kanpur from June to July 2018. Total 450 patients visited during study period and 355 with faulty prosthesis above 18 years of age of both genders were included in study. The study was then conducted by enrolling the patients and collected data were analyzed by using appropriate statistical software.
Results: Total 355 patients participated in study with 70.4% males and 29.57% were found to be above 40years of age group. Pain in teeth with 29.57% was the main reason to visit dental quacks and extraction was most common treatment received 26.76%.87.32% patients were unsatisfied with quack treatment and 74.64% were not aware of the practitioners qualifications.
Conclusion: Locality, age, level of education, low cost and unawareness significantly influenced the visits to dental quacks and are the major factors influencing such visits.