Prevalence of diabetes mellitus is rising day by day globally and India is the hub for diabetic patients due to rapid urbanization and life style modification. There is irrefutable evidence that knowledge regarding type 2 diabetes mellitus & its complications are poor among developing countries and India is one among them. So, to understand the level of knowledge, attitude and practice of theses diabetic patients regarding type 2 diabetes mellitus was the sole purpose of conducting this study. This is a community based cross-sectional study conducted in urban field practice area of department of community medicine of BLDEU’s Shri B M Patil Medical College, Vijayapura. From May – August 2016. Data was analyzed using SPSS 16 and results are presented as Mean+SD, Percentages and diagrams and analyzed for significance. A total of 128 known type 2 DM were interviewed, their mean history of disorder was 5±3.3. All patients were above the age of 30 years (mean age, 51.88±9.99 years; median, 53 years; range, 32-70 years). Women were 64.84% of the population, with mean age of 51.59±9.66 years. Men were 35.16% with mean age of 52.18±10.66 years. This study revealed the gap in knowledge, attitude and practice among those who are affected by diabetes. Conclusion: Public health Programs involving activities to improve the knowledge and behavioral change has to be actively indulged in urban slums to reduce the morbidity due to Type 2 DM and for proper management of the disease.