Background: Lack of knowledge, poor information and ignorance about HIV causes rapid spread. Moreover preventive measures are formulated mainly by understanding knowledge of HIV infection6.
Aim of the study: Aim of the study was to assess and evaluate the existing level of knowledge, attitude and practice about AIDS among patients attending dermatology OPD
Methodology: A total of 100 patients were given predesigned questionnaire containing 21 questions and 20 minutes to complete the form. Data was collected, analysed statistically and results were expressed in percentage.
Results: There was an association between socio-economic and demographic data of the participants and level of knowledge. 95% were aware about AIDS.59% have heard about AIDS through media, 31% through friends and others through radio, newspaper etc. 60% has heard of condom and 49% were willing to use condom. 54% suggest blood test and 33% suggest doctor’s visit to diagnose HIV.66% said they won’t be friendly to HIV persons.