Introduction: HPV is a sexually transmitted disease that affects a high percentage of young women around the world, whose ages fluctuate between 15 and 35 years. Objective: To determine the level of knowledge and sexual practice about the human papillomavirus in women from the prospera program in Zotoltitlan, Guerrero. Methodology: The focus of the study is quantitative, cross-descriptive and analytical. 1 instrument of 48 items divided into 6 sections was applied: general data, knowledge of HPV, sexuality, use of contraceptive methods, nutrition, lifestyle habits and hygiene to 248 women between 15 and 50 years of age, the SPSS program version 23 was used. Results: Regarding the level of knowledge about HPV, it was found that 19.7% have a deficient level, 52.8% regular being the highest percentage and 27.4% maintain a good knowledge. A relationship was found between the level of education and knowledge about the human papillomavirus (χ² .020), as well as an association with the age at which the first sexual intercourse was (χ² .014). Conclusion: The women of the prospera program of the Zotoltitlan Guerrero community health center maintain a poor level of knowledge about HPV. Regarding the relationship between the sociodemographic data, there is a significant association between the knowledge of HPV and the level of study, as well as the age of the first sexual intercourse.