Background: Japanese encephalitis (JE) is a disease of major public health importance due to its high epidemic potential, high case fatality rate (CFR), and sequelae among survivors.The current study is done to assess the status of JE among Acute encephalitis syndrome (AES) patients and to find out the changing trends of Japanese Encephalitis with respect to various parameters.
Methods: A hospital based retrospective study was carried out among 1082 clinically suspected acute encephalitis syndrome (AES) patients for a period of 4 years.CSF and serum samples from those patients were processed for IgM MAC ELISA for Japanese Encephalitis (JE) .
Results: Of 1082 clinically suspected AES patients, 29.9% (324) were positive for JE IgM MAC ELISA. There was a decreasing trend in the number of JE cases till 2016 with an increase again in 2017.Though males were more affected than females, the difference was not clinically significant. Adults of age group more than 60 years followed by 46-60 years were more affected. JE cases were found to be in its peak during the month of July and August.
Conclusion: Though the etiology of acute encephalitis syndrome varies with time and geographical location, Japanese Encephalitis (JE) remains one of the most important causes in this part of Bengal.