Aim: To identify the association between ABO blood group with periodontal disease among Bangalore population.
Material and Methodology: A total of 100 subjects aged between 25and 60 years were selected on random basis and were segregated into healthy and periodontitis group, based on probing depth and clinical attachment loss as criteria. Blood samples were collected to identify ABO blood group.
Statistical Analysis Used: Mann Whitney u test was used to compare oral hygiene index, probing depth and clinical attachment level among the healthy and periodontitis group. To compare the percentage and frequency distribution of A,B,AB and O blood group among healthy and periodontitis group Chi square test was used. 1 way ANOVA followed by tukey post hoc analysis was used to compare the mean values of OHI, PD and CAL between different blood groups among periodontitis group.
Result: There was statistically significant relationship between A and B, B and O, B and AB blood groups in terms of PPD and CAL. Subjects with O blood group were clinically healthy as compared to subjects with blood group B who were more susceptible to periodontitis.
Conclusion: There is an interrelationship between periodontal disease and ABO blood group among Bangalore population. B blood group patients were more susceptible to periodontitis as compared to other groups.