Social Networking sites provide a platform for discussion on burning issues that has been overlooked in today’s scenario. This research is conducted to examine the impact of social networking sites in the changing mind-set of the youth. Social media is beneficial for youth in the field of education, social media deteriorating social norms, social media is affecting negatively on study of youth. Majority of youth is shifting speedily from electronic media like as television viewers and radio listeners to the social media among all age of group. Youth rate is very much to shifting into social media so its influences are much on youth. This study also focused the influences of social media on youth and their life style, trends, educational and political awareness, physical activities, social life, their learning and so on. Youth is very important for future of any nation and country’s progress and development. Now a day Social media is essential for youth in the field of education to learn new trends in education, to improve writing and communicating skills, cultural promoting, religious and political information gathering and sharing links, better living style, growth and development of society. Social media such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Skype, Twitter, YouTube and MySpace may have been freshly marketed as great leveler as gathering in which divides of races, classes, and ethnicity.