Aim: To detect benefits of health education massage on diabetes mellitus patients’ practice.
Method: This was a cross sectional study conducted among type I diabetes patients.
Result: The mean age were 26.71±5.2 and 28.92±3.2 years for cases and controls respectively. Body mass index (BMI) were 26.71±1.2 kg/m² and 24.2±0.6 for diabetes and controls respectively. There was no significant difference observed between cases and controls regarding gender, age, BMI, education, HbA1c, and lipid profile. While, total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and triglycerides were significantly higher in patients with diabetic than healthy group. There was a significant improvement in knowledge and attitudes of cases than control. Also, There was a significant improvement in knowledge attitudes, and practice of cases over times.
Conclusion: There was a significant improvement in the practice of type I DM patients due to the health education massage. Which in turn improve the control of the disease.