Tibubeneng Village is an area located in a new and developing tourism area that has the potential of the beauty of the Coastal Zone as a natural tourism and Perancak Temple object as a potential spiritual tourism object, especially for Hindus. Looking at the strategic functions of Tibubeneng Village, it is necessary to take control of land use in order to minimize the conversion of land functions. Development of tourism facilities has an impact on changes in land use. The changes observed in this study are changes because land is used for tourism activities. Land use is carried out by local people because they are motivated by several reasons. The method used in this study is the overlay analysis method with intersect technique. This analysis describes the types of land use and percentage changes. The years of observation used in this study are 2000 and 2017. Changes in land use include protected land, agricultural land and rice fields. Of the three land uses, the most change is because tourism activities occur in the rice fields, with 40.52% change. Behind the rapid development of tourism activities carried out by local communities, it is important to know the driving factors that motivate land use for tourism purposes. These are economic factors, availability of infrastructure, regulations and institutions. Economic factors are the biggest influence on land use for tourism activities, thus leading to changes in land use. This research needs to be done to design a land control program so that it can be implemented in conjunction with the economic needs of local residents without compromising the ecological functions of the environment.