The aim of the study is to empirically examine the impact of education tax on research and development in tertiary institutions in Nigeria. The study adopts an ex-post facto research design and secondary data sourced from the Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFUND) and the Bureau of Statistics covering the period from 2008-2017. The study employed the Ordinary least squares regression technique for the estimation of the data. The trend performance of funding for research and development in tertiary institutions using Education tax for the period under review as depicted by the graph shows a pattern suggesting significant points of highs and lows over the period cycle. The findings reveal that the performance of Research and development and its growth rate is characterized by upward and downward movements indicative of instability. Education tax, on the other hand, was experiencing year on year growth, The regression result reveals that though education tax has a positive effect on Research and development, it is, however statistically insignificant at 5%. This was attributed to the fact that funds allocated to tertiary institutions were under accessed due to the institutions’ inability to meet conditions set by Tetfund for continuous access. The study recommends that all academic staff should develop skills, more interest in research and apply for the fund in accordance with stipulated formats provided by Tetfund. Indeed tertiary institutions should be determined to access and collect fully allocated research grants by setting up a viable committee with a specific goal at ensuring that spelled out conditions are fulfilled and grants obtained.