Neurodegenerative disorders include a wide array of nervous system related disabilities like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Huntington’s disease, and are closely knitted with age. With the present scenario they are incurable and progress negatively that makes the management of the person a nightmare.
Free radicals always play big roles in nerve cell degeneration. The good old herb Withania somnifera (Queen of Ayurveda) was widely proved for its free radical scavenging ability and neuroprotection for ages in India. As prevention is better than cure, this herb drawn our attention towards a study in neuroprotection in experimental rat models.
We used 4 animal groups for this basic study. They were CO, LC, WS125 and WA100. We created a stereotaxic Huntington’s rat model by inducing kainic acid bilaterally into the striatum. The rats were treated with drugs ten days prior and after lesion surgery to analyze the preventive and regenerative ability of the drugs as few studies claimed regeneration even in distinctive regions of adult rat brain. On tenth day we collected the brain samples, immunostained them and counterstained with hematoxylin to give a good contrast. The results were amazing, shown both neuroprotection and new cell formation in striatum.