People in rural areas of India are mainly involved in primary sector. They are actively engaged in agricultural and livestock rearing. The agricultural wastage viz., straw from rice/jowar/wheat/corn leaves, cobs, trash from cane/ crop etc., hazardous waste from excess usage of pesticides and fertilisers and the livestock wastage mainly from animal dung and urination etc., are not hygienically disposed in a particular dumping yard near the village. Infact they are used to some extent as fuel for cooking and for agricultural purposes and the rest is dumped near to their residing homes openly. The policies made by the Central/State or Local government dealing with waste management in rural areas are not fruitful. The tendency of the rural people has not changed since centuries in India with respect to this dumping of waste and they are adjusted to living along with it. Majority of them are unaware of the negative effects of it. The effective utilization of the agricultural and animal waste is at a very low pace in India. This inturn is posing a serious issue to the people and environment by increasing the chances of spreading air/water/soil/ pollution, increasing the issues related to climate change/health issues of the population, causing fire issues, causing acid rains, thereby mainly driving the rural people towards poverty as they need to spend more on health issues and so on. Developed nations have made strict policies to dispose the agricultural and animal wastage effectively with the help of modern technology but due to poverty the rural people in developing countries like India are not marching ahead with modern waste disposal technologies. This is where the governmental sector has a major role to play in disposing it effectively and timely and make the rural areas a happy place to live.