The Human Resource Development (HRD) is an emerging concept today which no organization with long term objectives can afford to ignore or take lightly in case it wants to achieve the standards of excellence. Human Resource Development is an important component for the success of any organization. Effective management of human resources plays a vital role in sound management is a central sub system of modern management system. HRD facilitated for all round development of banks in addition to allowing them to be dynamic and responsive to the environmental changes. The Human Resource Development in Banks, under present scenario in the country is essential to understand bank’s present HRD philosophy, practice and outcome with a view to offer suggestions for formulation of right philosophy and practice of HRD in Banks. The present study has been undertaken in view of the absence of systematic studied on the subject. Nationalization has changed the complexion and dimensions have placed the varying responsibilities on the shoulders of commercial banks such as expansion branch offices to unbanked and remote rural areas on a massive scale so as to cover small scale sector, cottage and rural industries, self employed persons, artisans, weaker sections of the society, small traders and other persons of small means. This paper covers all the important areas of Human Resource Development in Banks. These areas include conceptual clarification about Human Resource and Human Resource Development in Banks, essentials of HRD, the sub-system of Human Resource Development like Performance Appraisal, Training & Development, Career Planning and Development, Organization Development, Participative Management, Quality Circles etc. These primary areas of Human Resource Development will be studied thoroughly to the maximum extent through the means of discussions, reports, accounts, observations etc.