Objective: To assess the incidence, maternal and fetal outcomes in patients with peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCMP) in a tertiary hospital.
Methods: A descriptive case series study identify 36 patients, having symptoms and signs of left ventricular failure presenting to department of gynecology, Ch. Rehmat Ali Hospital, during their antenatal visit in last trimester to within 5months postpartum meeting the criteria of PPCM were included in the study. Their epidemiological data, risk factors, symptomatology, response to treatment, fetal as well as maternal outcome was recorded. The data was entered and analyzed in SPSS version 20.
Results: The mean age of the patients was 26.4 ± 3.2 years with 77.7% belonging to rural areas and only 22.3% coming from urban areas.The frequency of PPCMP came out to be 1 case per every 768 delivery.The main presenting time was late pregnancy or at labour. 72.3% were having NYHA III/IV dyspnea at presentation.Cardiac failure and Arrhythmias were the main findings followed by thromboembolism with multiparity and chronic hypertension being the main risk factors.
Conclusion: PPCMP, though rare, is an important cause of morbidity in both mother and fetus and needs to be properly addressed.