Aim: The present hospital based retrospective study was undertaken to evaluate the prevalence and pattern of ocular trauma.
Materials and Methodology :All 400 patients with ocular trauma was taken for study. Old trauma cases who came for follows up were excluded from the study. Visual acuity testing, slit lampbiomicroscopy, fundoscopyand intraocular pressure measurement (except in open globe injury) were preformed in all the trauma patients. Data were collected from clinical records in a standard data collection format which included age, sex, place, data of trauma, visual acuity, cause,type and nature of injury, clinical presentation etc.
Results: Trauma was seen among all age group.Maleswere more affected than females and most cases wereunilateral. Majority of cases reported within 24 hours of injury with variabledegree of visual impairment and with various clinical presentations.
Conclusion: Closed globe injury and eyelid injury were the commonest trauma Road traffic accident and work place injuries are frequent causesof ocular trauma. Awareness about this preventable ocular hazard among mass population is the need of the hour.