Horticulture is the most profitable venture of all farming activities as it provides ample employment opportunities and scope to raise the income of the farming community. It also has tremendous potential to push the overall agriculture growth to more than the targeted per cent. The potential of horticulture in raising agricultural production, value added farm income and employment in the country has been recognized long ago. The Fourth Five Year Plan (1969-74) recognized the importance of horticultural sector can make significant contribution towards accelerating agricultural growth. Horticultural crops have a strong potential to raise returns to land, labour and capital and are labour intensive and thus are conjectured to be more pro-small farmers who have higher endowment of family labour in relation to land. In a holistic way of horticulture can be promoted as a means of agro-diversification for the second green revolution in India, providing the much needed impetus to the growth of agricultural sector, through increase in trade, income and employment. Keeping these understandings in mind, the present study estimates growth rates of the major agricultural crops, including the horticultural crops. The study reveals that the growth of area, production and yield of horticulture crops in the country was found to be statistically significant.