Introduction Hoarsness of voice falls under the umbrella diagnosis of dysphonia. Hoarseness as a presenting symptom has a broad differential diagnosis, including many causes that are self-limiting or benign, where as others may be serious and voice-damaging, or even life-threatening. The objective of this study is to find out the incidence of various vocal cord lesions as a cause of hoarsness of voice and the factors affecting. Materials and methods A prospective study was conducted in the department of ENT at a tertiary centre in Kashmir. 140 patients presenting with hoarseness of voice, evaluated by indirect laryngoscopy followed by Hopkin’s rigid laryngoscopy and diagnosed with benign lesion of larynx in the OPD were included in the study after taking their consent and a detailed history was taken in all patients with special reference to addiction like smoking, tobacco chewing, gastritis, drug allergy and past history of operative procedure and intubation. Observation Majority of the benign lesions of vocal cords encountered were vocal polyps in 37.85% patients followed by vocal nodules in 25% patients, LPR in 22.85% patients, Reinke’s oedema in 5.71% patients, vocal cord cysts in 5% patients, contact ulcer in 2.14% patients and a single case of Tubercular laryngitis and papilloma each. Vocal abuse was the main predisposing factor noticed in 56 (40%) patients. The most predominant presenting complaints was Hoarsness of voice and was seen in about 72.85% patients. The professional group most commonly affected was the teachers being 51 (36.42%) and the most commonly affected non professional group was the housewives being 32 (22.85%). Conclusion It was observed that vocal polyps were the most common benign lesion as a cause of hoarsness of voice with vocal abuse being the most common predisposing factor for benign lesions of larynx.