Heavy metal contamination in water bodies is one of the major global concerns. A religious activity like idol immersion in water bodies is serious concern in India as it is main cause of heavy metal contamination. Idols of Lord Ganesha and Goddess Durgamata are worshipped every year and immersed in water bodies like ponds, lake, rivers or sea. Thousands of idols are immersed and every year the number of idols is increasing. Hussainsagar lake in Hyderabad, India is considered for present study where more than 30,000 idols are immersed this year. Very cheap and toxic paints are used to make the idols more attractive. Size of idol ranges from 1 foot to several feet (maximum height is 56 ft and weight 35 tones). Idol of average height has about 6000 kg weight which contains 36 kg of paint. There is remarkable increase in the concentration of Calcium, Magnesium, Lead and Mercury after the immersion of idols every year. Arsenic, lead and mercury are three top most dangerous heavy metals which are used in preparing paints. One gm of paint contains 10 μgm of Pb and every idol of average weight, immersed causes addition of 0.03 Gms of lead into water body. Due to this religious activity, not only surface water but also underground water is contaminated. Health risk assessment of 2% population using underground water for drinking purpose is calculated in present study. Health risk index for Live Stock and birds consuming Hussainsagar water is also calculated. Installing Eco-friendly Ganesha (painted with natural colours) can reduce this problem. Phytoremediation and desiltation can help in reducing concentration of heavy metals.