Introduction: Studies comparing temporalis fascia & tragal perichondrium for repairing tympanic membrane perforation and hearing improvement on Indian population are only very few. This prompted us to do a comparative study.
Aims and objectives: To assess and compare the hearing improvement following tympanoplasty, using temporalis fascia and tragal perichondrium.
Materials and Methods: The present study using either temporalis fascia or tragal perichondrium as a graft material in tympanoplasty is a prospective comparative study, where the Air-Bone gap [AB] gain following surgery in both the groups was assessed and compared.
Observation and Results: On comparing the mean postoperative AB gain in both the groups using unpaired t-test and Fischer exact test, the p value is < 0.05 which is statistically not significant, which implies both the groups give equal hearing improvement following surgery.
Conclusion: Both tragal perichondrium and temporalis fascia provide good autograft material and achieve nearly equal hearing restoration.