Though various states of India were affected with health effects due to ground water arsenic contamination, West Bengal had been affected most. The present report is based on studies on the problem since detected in the state. Chronic arsenic exposure was associated with skin lesions of pigmentation and keratosis and systemic manifestations like lung disease, liver fibrosis, polyneuropathy, hypertension, limb swelling and weakness and cancer of the skin. Arsenic exposure was found to increases risk of stillbirth in pregnant women and decrement of intellectual function in children. A wide range of psycho-social consequences were observed due to arsenicosis in the society. Deficiencies of micronutrients, vitamins and protein were found to increase the risk of arsenical skin lesions. Over and above drinking water, arsenic exposure occurred through diet in arsenic endemic region. Significant elevation of arsenic level in biomarkers like urine and hair was associated with elevated arsenic intake through water and diet in people living in arsenic affected region. For the treatment of arsenicosis, chelating agent DMSA was not found to be effective, but DMPS caused significant decrease of arsenical symptoms. Prolonged drinking of arsenic safe water was associated with clearance of arsenical skin lesion in significant number of cases.