Periodontal disease is one of the most common chronic disorders of infectious origin known in humans. It has found to be associated with systemic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus and adverse pregnancy outcomes. Diabetes mellitus (DM) has been proposed to be biologically linked with chronic periodontitis. Moreover, periodontitis has been considered the sixth complication of DM. Therefore, the relationship between periodontitis and DM is widely accepted. Maternal chronic periodontal disease could induce a sustained systemic inflammatory response that may result in a state of insulin resistance in response to periodontal infection exacerbating the pre-existing pregnancy induced insulin resistance and cause impaired glucose tolerance and the manifestation of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. It has been hypothesized that periodontitis, as an infectious process could contribute to the insulin resistance observed in woman with gestational diabetes mellitus and thus affect the overall health of patient.
Based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria defined, titles isolated from the electronic databases were analysed. The abstracts of selected titles were screened by one reviewer. The full texts of 30 publications selected by the reviewer were further studied, which led to the exclusion of 19 articles. Finally, 11 publications were included in the review.
In the present review, it was noticed that immunological cytokines play a significant role in causation as well as resolution of inflammation in periodontitis as well asGestational Diabetes Mellitus. It was also observed that periodontitis is one of the risk factors enhancing glycaemic levels in pregnant women thus leading to GDM.