Candida is the most common fungal pathogen of worldwide. It is the fourth leading cause of nosocomial infection. Significant mortality and morbidity in low birth weight infants. It affects 75% of women. It is classified as STD by CDC. Candida albicans is normally present on the skin and mucous membranes such as skin, vagina, mouth, rectum and digestive tract. The fungus also can travel through the bloodstream in immunocompromised individuals. Candida can enter newborn infants during or shortly after birth.
Candida is an opportunistic pathogen. Antibiotics kill the good bacteria allowing Candida to grow freely. Candida is known to impair immune function by directly and negatively impacting the helper depressor ratio of T-lymphocytes.
The common cause of Candida albicans fungus is the overuse of antibiotics or oral contraceptives, steroid hormone medication, high sugar, and starch diet. Candidiasis in localized and disseminated forms. Localized disease is seen as erythema and white plaques in moist skin folds (diaper rash) or on mucosal surfaces (oral thrush).It may also cause the itching and thick white discharge of vulvovaginitis. Deep tissue disseminated disease is limited almost exclusively to the immunocompromised.
Diffuse pneumonia and urinary tract involvement are especially common.