Introduction: Urinary tract Infections (UTIs) are the most common encountered infectious diseases in our community and hospital.
Aims: The current study was undertaken with a dual purpose, to provide the current scenario of the microorganisms causing UTI, their antimicrobial sensitivity Patterns and in vitro activity of fosfomycin against ESBL and non ESBL producing E. coli.
Materials and Methods: The study was conducted prospectively in the Department of Microbiology of a tertiary care hospital from July 2019 to Dec 2019. A total of 271 urinary isolates of the patients with a diagnosis of urinary tract infection were included. Antibiotic sensitivity testing (ABST) and extended spectrum beta lactamase (ESBL) Production testing was done as per CLSI guidelines.
Results: A total of 898 urine samples were processed, among which 271(30.2%) urine sample showed significant bacterial growth. Of total 216(79.7%) bacterial isolates were gram negative bacilli (GNB) and 55(20.3%) isolates were gram positive cocci. Among GNB, 77.6% were E. coli and it was 53.5% of total isolates. Among E. coli, 68.3% were non ESBL producer which showed 90.7% of susceptibility to fosfomycin.
Conclusion: Fosfomycin showed good in vitro antibiotic susceptibility against both ESBL and non ESBL Producing E. coli. Thus, Fosfomycin may be a valid option for oral treatment of UTIs caused by ESBL Producing pathogens for which very few antibiotic options remain.